
A developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them

An estimated 695,000 people in the UK are living with autism. The demands and challenges that are taken on by those caring for the person with autism are numerous.

Caring for someone with autism and/or asperger’s can be extremely challenging. Being supportive when he or she is experiencing suicidal thoughts, self-harm or very high levels of anxiety can be distressing, frightening and exhausting. Our lead in autism is Sarah, she is here to support you in your caring role.

We offer one to one support and advocacy for Parents/Carers of people with autism, helping them to navigate the social care and education system to ensure the person they care for gets the services they need to fulfil their potential. Our complementary therapies and counselling are particularly popular with autism Carers.

We run a monthly peer support group for autism Carers. Click the button below for more info.

Other resources which may be helpful:

Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service

  • Daily telephone consultations for parents and professionals
  • Training and online videos on supporting children’s return to school and managing challenging behaviour
  • Facilitating online groups for young people from year groups 3 to 9.
  • Leaflets and downloads


Ambitious about Autism: Ambitious about Autism supports children and young people with autism. They run specialist education services, an award-winning employment programme with children and young people at the heart of their charity’s decision-making, policy work and campaigning. They also use their expertise to deliver training and consultancy to a wide range of organisations to improve awareness and understanding of autism.

Autism education trust:The AET supports effective education practice with advice on choosing ASC friendly schools, strategies for supporting parents/children/schools to work together and useful section on understanding an ASC diagnosis.

 Autismlinks: Autismlinksis dedicated to making those helpful and sometimes vital links, it covers who to talk to, where to go and contains lots of helpful advice all in one place.

Bis-net : Bis-net offers a wide range of services including training courses for parents caring for children with autism.

Different Together: Different Together is a safe, supportive and understanding community for the partners of people affected by Asperger Syndrome (AS).

The National Autistic Society: The society provides information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for autistic people.

 Sibs: Sibs provides various helpful guides for adult siblings of people with a lifelong learning disability and/or autism.

Kooth is there for you for advice, support and guidance on a range of issues such as stress or anxiety, worries about returning to college, fears about what the world looks like now, dealing with difficult family relationships, struggling with loss and much more.

It’s a free online chat service that works on both your smart-phone and computer. There are no waiting lists and it’s totally anonymous – you can just make up a name. And, you can freely and openly discuss any concerns that you may have, through the wide range of services that Kooth offers.
