Thrive LDN

Thrive LDN is a citywide movement to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners. It is supported by the Mayor of London and led by the London Health Board partners.

Supporting mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak

Thrive LDN knows that many people who both live and work in London are feeling anxious about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it might impact them, their loved ones and London’s businesses.

This means it’s never been more important for each of us to think and talk more about mental health and wellbeing. Thrive LDN is working with partners to help coordinate a collective response to the public mental health challenges which are developing in London.

London’s health and care partners, politicians, emergency services, and public sector agencies are working together to ensure the mental health of all Londoners remains a priority throughout the coronavirus outbreak and beyond.

Many people may be feeling isolated or coming to terms with changes in their lifestyle. So, with a bit of help from our friends at Good Thinking we’ve put together a little guide of what we can all to do stay happy and healthy at home.

History of the Thrive LDN movement

Two million Londoners experience some form of poor mental health every year and Londoners’ life satisfaction and feelings of self-worth are lower than the national average. Thrive LDN was established in response to this, with the aim of reducing the number of Londoners affected by poor mental health.

In July 2017, Thrive. LDN launched Thrive LDN: towards happier, healthier lives, a summary of our work engaging with hundreds of experts by profession and by experience across London’s public, charitable and business sectors to identify what would make a difference to Londoners’ mental health and wellbeing.

The 2017 campaign, Are we OK London?, started an open conversation with Londoners about mental health and wellbeing. As a result, Thrive LDN generated over 420,000 interactions and are now working with partners on several citywide and local projects across London. They also held community workshops, in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation, in 16 of the 32 London boroughs to start conversations on a community level.

The 2018 campaign engaged with a more diverse audience, grew our followers and subscribers and increased discussion and action around how inequality and discrimination can affect Londoners’ mental health and wellbeing, with a potential reach of over 23 million people. The campaign culminated with a festival of cultural activity organised by young Londoners.

In 2019, more than 200,000 people took part in events and activities to improve mental health and tackle inequalities as part of the Thrive LDN movement. Read more about our campaigning in 2019 here.

Being part of Thrive LDN

Why get involved with Thrive LDN?

  • They’re committed to making London a fairer and more equal city and improving the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners
  • Getting involved in Thrive LDN’s activities or projects can be good for your wellbeing.
  • Explore our 2019 campaigns here and how you can join the Thrive LDN movement.

What Thrive LDN gets involved in:

  • Ideas and actions to reduce inequality in London and improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners.
  • They’re a small and very busy team, so aren’t able to get involved in everything. However, our 2017 campaign turned into over 40 projects which have been delivering with partners across London, demonstrating our commitment to supporting people-led action. Our 2018 campaign engaged with a more diverse audience and grew our followers and subscribers, with a particular focus on tackling mental health unfairness.

What we don’t get involved in:

  • Whilst they recognise opinions and beliefs that differ from theirs, Thrive LDN don’t tolerate hate speech or discriminatory behaviour.
  • Thrive LDN are focused on preventing poor mental health, so generally don’t get involved in acute mental health services. However, they are very supportive of people and organisations that do and would suggest contacting these people if that’s what you’re looking for.